In digital world characters are represented using Unicode code points. As a developer, linguist, or someone interested in both, you’ll inevitably need to convert code points into readable text. We made the Unicode Code Points Converter to make your life easy by transforming code points to Unicode Characters.

What is a Unicode Code Point?

Unicode code point: The each character of character set has a unique numeric value assigned to it. These code points are typically expressed using hexadecimal notation prefixed by U+XXXX. For example:

  • U+0041 represents the letter "A".
  • U+1F600 represents the 😀 grinning face emoji.

How this converter works?

Our tool accept input Unicode code points (e.g., U+1F602, U+2764), and it instantly converts them to their corresponding characters.

Example 1: Converting Basic Latin Characters


U+0048 U+0065 U+006C U+006C U+006F




  • U+0048 → H
  • U+0065 → e
  • U+006C → l
  • U+006C → l
  • U+006F → o

Example 2: Converting Emojis


U+1F604 U+2764 U+1F60D



Example 3: Converting Special Symbols


U+2665 U+2600 U+2714


♥ ☀ ✔

Most common Unicode code points and their corresponding characters or symbols:

Unicode Code Point Character/Symbol Description
U+0020 (space) Space character
U+0021 ! Exclamation mark
U+0023 # Number sign (hash)
U+0024 $ Dollar sign
U+0026 & Ampersand
U+003F ? Question mark
U+0040 @ At symbol
U+0041 A Latin capital letter A
U+0061 a Latin small letter a
U+00A9 © Copyright symbol
U+00AE ® Registered trademark
U+2122 Trademark symbol
U+2665 Heart symbol
U+2600 Sun symbol
U+2714 Check mark
U+1F600 😀 Grinning face emoji
U+1F602 😂 Face with tears of joy
U+1F60D 😍 Heart-eyes emoji
U+1F4A1 💡 Light bulb
U+1F680 🚀 Rocket emoji

This table includes letters, punctuation, symbols, and emojis, making it useful for developers, designers, and anyone working with Unicode.

Why Use Our Converter?

  • 🔹 Instant Conversion – Get results in real time.
  • 🔹 Supports Multiple Code Points – Convert multiple values at once.
  • 🔹 User-Friendly Interface – Simple and easy to use.
  • 🔹 Completely Free – No subscriptions or hidden fees.