Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Is Bit Wise Converter free to use?
A: Yes! All tools and features are completely free. You do not have to login and subscribe.
Q: What file formats do you support?
A: We support text files (. txt), PDFs and standard image formats (e.g., . jpg,. png). Look for specific compatibility according to the individual tools
Q: Can I use these tools offline?
A: Right now, Bit Wise Converter is only available online. You want an internet connection for using our tools.
Q: Why isn’t my conversion working?
A: Double-check your input:
- Ensure it’s in the correct format (e.g., valid JSON for the JSON formatter).
- Verify file uploads aren’t corrupted.
- For binary or hex, ensure your input matches the expected length or structure.
Q: Can I request a new tool?
A: Absolutely! We love hearing from users. Contact us via the form below with your suggestion.
Troubleshooting Tips
- Blank Output: Make sure you’ve entered data and selected the right tool.
- Error Messages: Read the error for clues—common issues include invalid characters or file size limits.
- Slow Performance: Large files may take a moment to process. Be patient, or try splitting your input into smaller chunks.
- Browser Issues: Clear your cache or try a different browser if the site isn’t loading correctly.