Text encoding: Unicode provides a consistent way to represent characters from all languages and scripts. UTF-16: This is one of the most widely used Unicode encodings in programming and storing information. Unicode to UTF-16 Converter Tool makes it easy to convert Unicode characters to their UTF-16 encoded format quickly so that text processing is seamless and error-free.

What is UTF-16?

UTF-16 is a variable-length encoding technology that encodes Unicode characters in either 2 bytes (16-bits) or 4 bytes (32-bits) It encodes all common characters as 2 bytes (but uses surrogate pairs (4 bytes) for characters outside of the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) including emojis and less frequently used symbols).

Why we use UTF-16?

✅ Also used by programming languages, such as Java, C#, and Windows APIs
✅ More compact than UTF-8 for some languages (e.g., Chinese, Japanese)
✅ Provides full support for the entire Unicode range, including all emojis and symbols
✅ Avoids text corruption with multilingual data.

Examples of Unicode to UTF-16 Conversion

Example 1: Latin Characters

Character Unicode Code Point UTF-16 Encoding (Hex)
A U+0041 0041
B U+0042 0042
C U+0043 0043

Example 2: Special Symbols

Character Unicode Code Point UTF-16 Encoding (Hex)
© U+00A9 00A9
U+2122 2122
U+2713 2713

Example 3: Emoji Conversion (Using Surrogate Pairs)

Emoji Unicode Code Point UTF-16 Encoding (Hex)
😀 U+1F600 D83D DE00
❤️ U+2764 U+FE0F 2764 FE0F
🚀 U+1F680 D83D DE80

How to Use the Unicode to UTF-16 Converter?

  1. Enter Unicode characters in the input box.
  2. Click Convert to generate the UTF-16 encoded output.
  3. Copy the result for use in programming, databases, or text processing.

Why Choose Our Converter?

Fast and accurate conversion
Supports all Unicode characters
Free and easy to use
Works on any device—no installation needed
